i have a drawer full of crap. i suppose many of us have drawers full of crap. if we were to analyze these drawers we could probably get a pretty good idea of the person behind the drawer who throws all their crap into it. every now and then i try to go through this drawer and deal with said crap - the funny thing is, every now and then the said crap is actually a gem. my crap varies from receipts for projects i'm working on to a spaghetti tangle of fire wires, usb cables and iphone chargers, the odd drawing utensil, dv tapes, a lego bobba fett key chain (a gem) and a few undeveloped rolls of film - super 8mm and 35mm stills. it is the film that caught my eye last time - unmarked, unnoticed, un-claimed. i processed the 35mm rolls and realized that it was the last decent winter swell to hit the south bay. i love finding gems in my crap drawer. i wonder what's on the super 8