i like to say that i judge filmmaking time in trucker hats. so, a four year movie like One California Day was about 4 trucker hats. I think One Beach for barefoot wine was about a 1 Trucker hat project. here is my current hawaii-trucker quiver shot. these don't last too long at $2.99 ea.
i know truckers were in for a while - then out - now maybe kinda in again if you are into that sort of thing. i guess i rarely do any fashion accessories. so wearing a hat, is my one feeble attempt at fashion flare and for some reason, the trucker just feels right. Toes on the Nose has done a few really cool trucker hats for us with the One California Day logo. they are doing a new "patch" version for the holidays. their's last a lot longer than the ABC store hat. if i didn't feel self-indulgent wearing a hat with my own film's name on it- i'd wear their's all the time. it would probably last me for a few films. i'm stoked that you all can enjoy : )
toes ocd trucker & and now board shorts too. yew!